Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Another Great Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie Using Ground Ginger

Good Morning dear readers,  I picked up a magazine at my last doctors visit.  They had another recipe for a anti-inflammatory smoothie.  The anti-inflammatory agent is surprisingly ground ginger. I did not know ground ginger was an anti-inflammatory agent.  You can find the ginger in the spice aisle at your local grocery store.  This recipe is really easy and I drank it and felt it was going to my bad knee again.  Another added benefit to ground ginger it helps with an upset stomach.  Who knows maybe it will keep the bad side effect from my techfidera from being really bad.  My med causes extreme acid reflux.  I have to take omniprezole to keep it down.  This recipe was altered to fit my families needs. Here's what you'll need to make this smoothie:

1 cup fresh or frozen  strawberries
2 kiwi chopped and peeled
1 cup 2% milk
1tsp ground ginger
4 ice cubes

Pour all ingredients into blender mix well.  Serve in tall glass and enjoy.  Plmk how it worked for you.

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