Monday, March 17, 2014

Tips on How to get Mommy Alone Time

Good Morning dear readers, before I forget Happy St. Patricks Day.  Yes, we are cooking Conor's recipe for St. Patricks Day. An altered Joanne Fluke recipe--Irish Roast Beast.  He wont let me share sorry but if you want the original recipe it's in the Sugar Cookie Murder Mystery book.  Now with all this running around with holidays, school events and life in general do you get overwhelmed.  I think most of us do but especially single parents who don't have any help in life.  Maybe relatives and the ex are not close by to help out to give you the time you need.  Sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns and find ways to get that time and don't be afraid to ask for help.  If you have neighbors who are in similar circumstances offer to take each others children out for a few hours.  So you get some time.  Other alternatives are Church groups are great for this idea.  In fact I love the boys youth group.  They are going to Lake Tahoe for the weekend so I get a break.  If you have a Boys/Girls Club in your area kids up to 17 can go for awhile each day.  This is also not very expensive to do and the kids get to hang out with kids their own age.  Boys and Girl Scouts go on outings and are supervised and they learn a lot.  The added benefit is you also get that break you may need. So check it out and breathe.  Here's a sweet treat to enjoy with or without the kids.

Get out the bullet blender(love it)

2 scoops chocolate ice cream
2 scoops vanilla ice cream
dash chocolate syrup
dash milk 

Blend for a minute and you have instant milk shake

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