Saturday, August 22, 2015

Caturday Art-The eyes have it kitty

Good Morning dear readers, we are participating in the Caturday Art Hop at Athena and Marie's Art Hop.  It's been a crazy week boy went back to school.  Well its what mom calls independent study and he only goes one day a week.  He leaves me for several hours not good.  Do you get upset when your humans leave or don't pay attention to you.  I've discovered this interesting toy to get their attention.  Oddly enough its attached to doors.  It makes this doining noise when I paw it.  Mom gets upset especially when its really dark outside.  She tells me to knock it off.  She's not going to get up at 3am.  Any ways boy took me out to the catio and let me look around.  Mom got photos of me being held by boy.  She played with picmonkey and pizap for today's photo.

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