Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Frankies Corner-Christmas Tree Intervention

Good Morning all,  Frankie's post is early this week because of the inspection.  I noticed everyone is showing all their lovely trees for Christmas on their blogs.  We put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving and that's when the trouble begins.  Frankie loves pretty, pretty, shiny, shiny (yes its from that movie).  First off when you have cats do not put the breakable ornaments toward the bottom of the tree. Also don't put anything dangling from the bottom row of the tree that's just too tempting. The best tool to keep your cats from damaging your tree is a spray bottle.  It must have a long range nozzle.  Last year I had a mister sprayer and Frankie just sat there laughing at me because I had to get up close and get him with it.This year I found the proper sprayer and its working. I have used this method on all my cats and its pretty effective.  You can find one at the Dollar stores for a $1. This little amount of money saves you a lot in ornament replacement.  Also reward the little guy when they leave the tree alone.  This is very effective unless you have a genius cat. One of Frankie's predecessors a lovely Russian Blue named Tasha decided she would show me.  I woke to find the nozzle of the bottle chewed just the nozzle.  So don't tell Frankie.

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