Good Morning fur buddies did you miss me. Yes I know its been eleventy billion years since mom did a art post. Frankie you know its only been a couple of months and there's no such thing as eleventy billion. Don't interrupt me mom let me do the talking. Hoomans always interrupting me. Has you know my hooman get pression really bad in the summer and things just don't get done that much. I get really bossy when she gets like this to snap her out of it. Anyways enough of the boring hooman stuff. Lets talk about the incompetency of hoomans when it comes to buying the right cat food. What's a guy gotta do to get them meaning mom and boys to get it right. The cart comes home and theirs this stuff. It resembles cat food but its really awful. So I give them the look. It doesn't work so I run around at my top speed and paw carpet. No response from them until the next day new cat food. So fur buddies find your ways of torturing your hoomans until they get it right. It really does work. Here's are artwork done with a little picmonkey and dreamscope enjoy.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Caturday Art-Snowshoe Many Layers Kitty
Some Foliage from Pizap
Monet V in Dreamscope
Pencil sketch and HDR in Lunapic
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Caturday Art-Frankies Arty Out takes
This is what I have to resort too to get any work done. This puter is to small for my supposed fat butt. I had to get the claws out and poke mom to get anything done. Lets get to the photos and please tell which ones you like.
Mom went way overboard on this one. Mom does this really look like me. I seriously don't see it.
Cats have a way of seeing things that aren't there. I do it to freak mom out. I know I'm a stinker.
Can you tell mom likes a lot of blues and purples. I don't know did she get my good side fur buddies? I'll have to make sure she does next time if not?
Don't forget to check out the sale going on in the shop this weekend at
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Caturday Art-Snowshoe Spring Pond Colors Kitty
Good Morning fur buddies, we had a crazy week. That inspector guy came again. Mom was not to happy. She always feels like its an invasion. I kinda got in trouble with the inspector. He found my spots where I made holes in the carpet. He told mom I needed more scratchy things. He tried to pet me and of course I tried to bite him. If I had known he told mom to buy me more toys, I might have been nicer. So I got new scratchy ball goes around in a circle thingy and an x shaped scratchy thingy. So I'm happy with the new toys. Mom played a lot with my photos today. She used a lot of apps to make the final product. We are joining in the art hop at Athena Caturday Art hop so please check it out.
Final used Lomo in picmonkey
organic border from pizap
Pond effect in dreamscope
Uh oh I'z in trouble with the Inspector

Snowshoe NO CRAFTING ALLOWED Kitty T-Shirt
by artsylorraine
Can you believe mom actually bought this one and really Love's it.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Thrift Store Vintage Jewelry Sale Haul
This lovely Cameo was created by the Coro company. They've been around since 1901 founded by Emanuel Cohen and Gerald Rosenberg. The name of the company comes from combining the first 2 letters of their names together to form Coro. You can't go wrong with a Coro Cameo. This brooch is marked with the Coro script on the back.
This piece is marked AJC otherwise known as the American Jewelry Chain Co. They were in business from 1927 through the 1990's. Let me tell you they make some fun jewelry. This pin is the cat stuck in the dryer. Their figurals are always so fun and interesting.
This brooch is marked with JEANNIE. The only info I could find was a reference to the company from a Teen magazine from the early 1960's. This is another fun brooch to add to your wardrobe.
This a another brooch of the cat variety. Frankie is of course mad and jealous of all things cat. Their was no marks just a lovely silver toned brooch.
This was another brooch that was unmarked. Lovely piece only missing two small rhinestones. This does not mar the beauty of the brooch.
This is an unmarked ribbon brooch in brass-tone. It's just another great little piece to wear on suits and dresses.
Not all the pieces will be on eBay. The cat in the dryer and the bird brooches will not be on eBay. You can find everything else within a couple days on eBay. Thanks for reading my vintage jewelry haul.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Caturday Art-Snowshoe Watercolor Cartoon Kitty
Good morning fur buddies, we hope everyone is having a good weekend. Sorry if we did not get back to everyone moms headaches are back. She's waiting on some new meds from the VA doc and their supposed to be here soon. Mom and I are still at odds about the puter. I get between the screen and the keyboard and wont let her type which makes her mad. She's also taken another photo of me which makes my butt look too big. Honestly can you please take a pic of me with my butt not hanging out of my bed PLEASE!!! GOD FORBID FUR BUDDIES she went to a craft store I'll never get any attention again. She brought home this giant bag of stuff books and crafting tools. Boy who gives me lots of attention even got into it. What's a cat to do. Well I stuck my nose in this bag. There was this spongy stuff and I thought I would taste it and mom started yelling so I spit it out.
Geez you would think I did something wrong. She said I had to be in the bedroom when the boys crafted with that stuff. I'm curious and want to check stuff out. Frankie ever here curiosity killed the cat. You can watch me with the paper stuff. Oh yeah mom got a book about paper crafting and some tools for that as long as I don't stick my nose in that stuff. Here's our entry in Athena's Art Hop come and check it out
Check out the art sale going on this weekend use code APRIL WEEKEND.
Sunday, April 2, 2017
New Birdhouse Craft-Shabby Chic/Steam Punk Cross Between Birdhouse
Hey fur buddies I got mom to finish the birdhouse. I was going to paint it myself by dipping my paws in the paint but mom said no. Here's mom to tell you how I, no she did it the birdhouse.
Now that Frankie's out of the way here's what you'll need first:
Paint Brushes
Embellishments i.e jewels, gears or anything you what to put on it
Glue Gun
Proceed to cover the birdhouse with gesso so it will hold whatever you use to paint it with i.e. acrylics, spray inks or in my case glitter acrylics and distress paints in brass.
Be careful when painting I recommend not using the dauber part it actually broke the part over the door on the birdhouse. So use a paint brush it's easier. I used blue acrylic glitter paint for the body of the birdhouse for the shabby chic part and the distress paint in brass for the steam punk look. After you finish painting you can start embellishing with gear and jewels to your hearts abandon this is the fun part. You can find the jewels and gears at Walmart, Joann's or any craft store or even a thrift store.
the jewels are the adhesive kind self sticking
had to use the glue gun on the gears
the jewels are the adhesive kind self sticking
had to use the glue gun on the gears
See mom jewels are prettier on the roof then those smelly gears. I didn't wont to say it but I told you so mom.
Be sure and check out the shop and crafting kitties new designs as well as his crafting kitty graphic for you crafters with kitty helpers.

snowshoe crafting kitty tote bag
by artsylorraine
I actually own this bag and it turned out really cool so check it out.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Caturday Art- Snowshoe Colors of the Sea Kitty
Good Morning fur buddies, I'm kinda sad and mad at the same time. My evil human mother got rid of my butt warmer. The nice puter that was big that I could lay on it. I could also snooper
vise her puter activities and make sure she didn't mess up my blog post. After all I am the star of this blog. She got this razor thin puter no size to it what so ever. I've walk around it and stared at it trying to figure out how to take advantage of it. BUT MOTHER wont let me. I've even leaped over it that got a yell out of mother. I'm not a fat cat even though moms photos make my butt look big. Sigh I guess I can snooper vise from the chair next to her. That's my chair and they better not take that away from me. Aren't I a stinker? Oh check out my art we are sharing at Athena art hop you'll love all the kitties with the cool art. Here's mine.
P.S. remembered the name of the designer of the kitty bed Trixie Lukas and was able to find it and Frankie will get his Cat Cuddler so no more complaints from the fur ball.
Check out the sale at zazzle this weekend we have some cool stuff for Easter.
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