Saturday, April 8, 2017

Caturday Art-Snowshoe Watercolor Cartoon Kitty

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Good morning fur buddies, we hope everyone is having a good weekend. Sorry if we did not get back to everyone moms headaches are back.  She's waiting on some new meds from the VA doc and their supposed to be here soon. Mom and I are still at odds about the puter.  I get between the screen and the keyboard and wont let her type which makes her mad.  She's also taken another photo of me which makes my butt look too big.  Honestly can you please take a pic of me with my butt not hanging out of my bed PLEASE!!!  GOD FORBID FUR BUDDIES she went to a craft store I'll never get any attention again.  She brought home this giant bag of stuff books and crafting tools.  Boy who gives me lots of attention even got into it.  What's a cat to do.  Well I stuck my nose in this bag.  There was this spongy stuff and I thought I would taste it and mom started yelling so I spit it out.


Geez you would think I did something wrong.  She said I had to be in the bedroom when the boys crafted with that stuff.  I'm curious and want to check stuff out. Frankie ever here curiosity killed the cat.  You can watch me with the paper stuff.  Oh yeah mom got a book about paper crafting and some tools for that as long as I don't stick my nose in that stuff.  Here's our entry in Athena's Art Hop come and check it out

Check out the art sale going on this weekend use code APRIL WEEKEND.

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