Sunday, February 16, 2014

Family Crafts-Sea Glass Bottles Success and Failure Updated

Good Evening dear readers, I'm a little early for my Monday morning post but I wanted to share a fun craft.  I've been seeing all the pretty painted bottle all over  the place and I wanted to give it a try.  I already had clear glass vases from yard sales so all I had to do was get the glue and the food coloring and go to work.  Well, Conor wanted to join in the fun and I had plenty so he made one too.  So here's what you'll need.

Elmer's glue all purpose
Food Coloring
glass bottles or vases--can be found at dollar tree if you don't have any
paint brush or sponges
some kind of surface that it wont stick too real bad i.e. plastic plate

Make sure your bottles are good and clean.  Put a thin coat on your bottle trying not to drip it will make a pool on the bottle if you do.  Also make sure no hair from the paint brush gets left on the bottle that's what happened to mine.  Put has many coats has you want letting it dry in between each coat.  Your done when all dry.  I have not put any sealant on it just keep it away from water until you can find a spray clear sealant. Here's the pics of how they look mine is the round purple and it had issues but Conor's tall blue one turned out great.  This is a fun craft to do with your teenagers so give it a try.  I'm going to redo mine using a sponge will update you with the results later.

Okay I promised to post after redoing the purple vase.  I found the sponge brushes and they worked out beautifully.  So here's the results much better.

                                                       For easy pining

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