Friday, September 6, 2013

Rebel Keep All Humans On Leashes

Meowy morning all,  I'm taking over the post this morning.  I'm so mad at mom.  She left me alone for hours again.  Yes, she did leave the radio on and put my blankie and pillow in my favorite chair in the living room, but I don't like being left alone.  I knew it was coming she said she had to go to the VA.  Every time she goes to that place she's gone all day.  I think its some kind of Human Vet.  She was happy the Human Vet said she could have the new pills no more of those thorns in her thighs.  She calls them needles they look like giant thorns to me. Why do our humans do these things to themselves?  I say we should rebel against being left alone all day.  Unite and keep our humans on leashes.

I can't sleep without my blankie  

Does this picture make my feet look to big

Hide and Go Seek she'll never find me in here.

Okay here are some tips and contest I found for the week.  Check all your friskies can's they are recyclable aluminum.  So don't throw them away.

Attention all DIYer's Dollar Tree is having a sweepstakes for Best Video Tutorial on Craft Project top prize $300 gift card go check it out

Please check out our other social media

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